Campus News

Bethel Adds Winter Term Option for Students

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MISHAWAKA--This school year, Bethel is implementing a winter term. This will allow students to take accelerated versions of classes online beginning Dec. 7, 2020, and finishing December 30, 2020. There will be no classes held on December 24 through the 26 for the holidays. Registration will begin next Wednesday, Oct. 14.  

Classes available for the online winter term include art, literature, kinesiology, mathematics, economics and theology.  

Vice President for Academic Services Barb Bellefeuille  said that this term is mimicking May term, except these classes will be held online. She also said this is something her team had been discussing with athletics and the dean to help relieve a heavy spring semester for students.  

These courses, she said, can help boost a student’s GPA.  

“It’s better for them to focus on that one class and not have any distractions,” Bellefeuille said.  

Bellefeuille also wanted to remind students that these abbreviated courses will require a full-time commitment because they must cover a full semester of material in only three weeks. This means that, for three weeks, eight hours a day, the student will be spending time working on the course they choose.  

As far as financial aid goes, Bellefeuille said to contact the office.  

“Every student’s package is so unique,” Bellefeuille said. “There are some where it could be helpful and could be applied.” 

The last day to register for these courses is Dec. 4, 2020. Contact your adviser if you wish to register or have any additional questions. 

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