Campus News

Bethel Admissions Hosts Pilot Party for Incoming Students

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MISHAWAKA—On Friday, March 12, Bethel hosted a Pilot Party for admitted students. This event is not new, but it did look quite different this year as the organizers strove to facilitate a fun and safe experience for Bethel’s guests amid continuing COVID-19 precautions. 

This year, the traditional overnight experience was not offered to admitted students. There were also no activities or informational sessions offered for parents—the event was designed for admitted students only. Participants were divided into smaller groups than usual for activities and encouraged to remain with their group for the duration of the event. 

Stephanie Hochstetler, di­rec­tor of ad­mis­sion, said this is a great event for giving incoming students a little taste of college life. 

“Our goal is that they can connect with campus,” Hochstetler said. “Many of the students . . . are actually coming a little bit early, and they’ll be meeting with their advisors to schedule FYE courses, so they’ll start into the Pilot Party already with college courses in the bank.” 

Kim­berly Miller, en­roll­ment re­port­ing spe­cial­ist, headed up organization of the event. There was a welcome time with minute-to-win-it games, a tour of the recently opened Lehman Family Training Center, a scavenger hunt, dinner in the Dining Commons and the Let’s Make a Deal event in Gates Gymnasium. 

“The incoming students get a taste of what it’s going to be like and how fun it is just to be around that good atmosphere,” Miller said.  

A total of 62 admitted students registered for the event. 

“We really enjoy how our campus community welcomes future Pilots,” Hochstetler said. “We’re always excited to bring more people on campus.” 

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