Campus News

Courtney Chapman Begins New Role

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MISHAWAKA--Courtney Chapman served Bethel as the resident director of Founders Village for five years. But for the 2021-2022 school year, she has taken on instead a role as the wellness program coordinator, a new position funded by the Lilly Grant. 

“My whole reason my position exists is because it is founded by a grant by the Lilly Foundation,” Chapman said. “It’s a designated fund to care for students.” 

Chapman said she is learning as she goes but is keeping in mind that the general idea is to make wellness opportunities available to students. 

“I am interested in learning from anyone,” Chapman said. “I want to know what is the most helpful. If there are students that have ideas for me, I am always willing to listen.” 

With navigating through this new role, Chapman explains what wellness means to her, and the definition she has assigned it in regard to the student body. 

“So, wellness is based on a whole person health- physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually- and the question is, how can we care for those areas?” Chapman said. "We can say God cares for us, but how can we care?” 

Chapman says that Bethel University is making steps to be more intentional with students during their time here, whether they are trying to grow as a person or in their faith. She shared of opportunities coming up for wellness events.

The most recent wellness event was the free kayaking and canoeing event at Ferrettie Baugo County Park on Sept. 18. 

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