
Data & Donuts: Bethel Administration Reaches Out to Students for Honest Feedback

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Every other year a Student Satisfaction Survey is sent out to every student on campus. 

This year, the survey was called “Data & Donuts.” Donuts from Krispy Kreme, as well as drawings for gift cards, were advertised as a way for students to come together and give honest feedback on the surveys. The title of the survey this year was “Your Opinion Matters.”

“We want to better understand what students are satisfied with and what we need to improve on to increase student satisfaction,” said Terry Elam, vice president of enrollment management. “We are also interested in knowing what is important to students.” 

Past student surveys have been a success. Many things have changed due to recent student feedback: more library study rooms have been provided, additional open dorm hours were added, additional food options at SG, additional parking lights and increased availability of athletic facility hours. 

The goal of the satisfaction survey is to get feedback from 400 plus surveys. As of Sept. 10, there were just under 200 surveys completed. All students are highly encouraged to take the survey and leave any feedback that they feel is important. The survey closes Sept. 29. 

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