
Class of 2023 Dedicates Senior Gift

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MISHAWAKA- Bethel University’s senior class of 2023 dedicated its class gift on Thursday night, March 16 in the Shiloh Prayer Chapel.  

This year’s Upperclassmen Student Council chose to financially assist in the renovations of the Shiloh Prayer Chapel as the 2023 senior gift to Bethel University and its future students. The council helped to provide funding for the coffee bar that is now a part of the chapel, and it hopes to lend a hand with a few more changes that will make Shiloh a special place for current and future students to grow their faith.  

Upperclassmen Council President Myles Moser began the event with an opening prayer, followed by an introduction and an overview of the changes made by the council. The event concluded with a time of worship followed by prayers of dedication over the building.  

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