
Study Abroad Opportunities!

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Carla Montaruli

Staff Writer

Mishawaka- Bethel University offers several options to study abroad in different parts of the world. There are three types of programs that allow students to grow and learn through traveling: Semester Abroad, Summer Study Travel, and Task Force. Studying abroad for a full semester can help you learn about a new culture and get academic credit, as well as, earn academic credit while traveling and seeing new places this summer, Spain, Israel, Greece, Italy, and others are examples. Trips range in duration from 2 to 6 weeks, and each one provides a special chance to study abroad. Lastly, the main goals of the ‘Task Force’ are spiritual growth, cultural immersion, and learning via service. Every year, Bethel provides a range of one- to three-week mission trips that help both domestically and internationally.  

According to Tyler Grant, Director of Global Engagement and Career Services, what helps students depends on the individual. While it may be more career-related for some, for others it may be more about personal development and inner growth.  

“It's kind of different for each person. For everybody, though, it really does end up being about the kind of expanding, the worldview of understanding how other people think and operate,” Grant said.  

Another important aspect of this experience is the cross-cultural aspect.  

“Bethel is more about who you become on the way to getting the job. So studying abroad ends up being a lot about that,” Grant said. “We see great value in students understanding how to relate to people who are different than them.” 

Some of the trips that are being offered this year are: 

-Israel (May 18-30) 

-Italy (May 19-29) 

-Ecuador (June 22-July 1) 

To apply for this amazing experience where you will be able to discover new aspects of your life and others' cultures, you will find flyers around campus with a QRcode ready to be scanned.  

Also, to gain more information about these programs, you can reach the department, by emailing GEO@betheluniversity.edu or visiting us in Academic Center, Room 346. 

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