Campus News

Going Green: Green Club Awaiting Student Council Approval

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MISHAWAKA, IND. -- Next semester there is a Green Club that will be starting up. The club has not officially been approved by Student Council yet, but the hope is that it will be approved as soon as possible and will be put in place at the beginning of next semester.  

The purpose of the club will be to spread awareness of environmental issues and to further the care of creation specifically on Bethel’s campus. The club’s activities will include promoting environmental care, having events on campus to raise awareness of issue, and to fundraise for specific goals the club will set.  

The Green Club’s mission statement is “to raise awareness of environmental issues and provide practical, easy and simple ways to implement creation care on Bethel’s campus”.   There are so many environmental issues in our world today and it would be a great thing for students on campus to be able to participate in helping spread awareness, prevent issues, and ultimately help take care of the world God has given us.   Rachel Woods, a student here at Bethel, is heading up this club along with Dr. Cassandra May, a professor in the science department. The club is open to anyone interested and they are hope that the club will continue to grow, along with environmental awareness here at Bethel.
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