Campus News

Bethel College Celebrates Collegiate Day of Prayer

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MISHAWAKA—On Thursday, Feb. 28, Bethel College celebrated the annual Collegiate Day of Prayer. The Student Life Team sent out an email notifying the students of the events happening on campus to commemorate the day. 

One of the accommodations that the Student Life Team made for students was they opened the Taylor Memorial Log Chapel. The informational email said, “From 9 a.m. - Midnight Thursday, the Taylor Memorial “Log” Chapel will be open for faculty, staff and students to participate individually in a time of guided prayer…Your journey through the prayer stations will be individual and private and will take approximately 20-30 minutes.”

Another one of the events that the Student Life Team had planned for campus was a worship gathering. According to the Team, from 9 -10 p.m. in the Shiloh Prayer Chapel “we will participate together in a student-led Prayer and Worship Gathering. During this hour we will worship together, and pray in groups for God to move in our hearts and the college campuses in our region.” 

The gathering began with a reading from scripture and an opening prayer and then the group was led in a few worship songs, followed by a candlelight moment. There was a good number of students who were able to attend and worship. Hopefully, next year, there will be an even bigger movement on campus. 

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