
Show delivers magical moments

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Wednesday Nov. 5 Bethel College held a unique event. The Everest-Rohrer Auditorium hosted “A Night of Magic with Deaf Magicians.” The event was run by the Bethel College ASL Club. Matt Morgan, one of the deaf magicians, contacted Angela Myers, associate professor of American Sign Language and the head of this event, requesting that this show come to Bethel College. The event was originally supposed to be at the Battel Center, but was changed. The cost to attend the event was $10. Deaf people came from the surrounding community, Bethel and the midwest to see the show. Each presenter represented his or her culture on the stage. The first presenters were Matt Morgan and his wife, who both brought part of the American culture to the stage. Mrs. Morgan won an award earlier this year at a deaf festival for being the only deaf female magician in the United States. The second presenter was a man from Japan and the third was a couple from Germany; the two international presenters signed in their own languages. There was an interpreter available who knew how to sign in their language. She had traveled with them before so she generally knew how they communicated and could catch the cues and such from the presenters. “There were about 202 people in attendance,” said Myers, “We got a lot of good comments, people didn’t get bored in-between acts either. They had a clown come out to entertain the audience.” To make the event a success the members of the ASL Club volunteered at the booths, taking tickets and selling merchandise to go towards the club fund which is going to other community service projects that they are planning on. “I think one of the ways that the performers did very well was in using a lot of audience members in the show,” said Myers. “They had a lot of people go up and the audience seemed to really like that part of it.” “There where fantastic tricks and optical illusions,” said junior Susie Yoder “The music was very loud. You could feel the bass from the music. They turn it up for the deaf community, so they can feel the beat.” The show was performed completely using ASL to communicate. The show was also interpreted for people attending the event who don’t speak ASL. “I am very proud that Bethel supported the event; they hope to have an annual show and I hope to see them again!” said Yoder. Senior Rachel Gonzalez also went to the show. She isn’t an ASL major but her reaction was very positive towards the event. “I think it amazing to see deaf people communicate. I know I only took ASL 1, but I feel like I could understand most of what was going on without an interpreter!” Myers said that Bethel has had other ASL events on campus before, including a deaf comedian a few years ago. They also have a Thanksgiving Party coming up soon at College Park Missionary church, Nov. 17 at 7 p.m.
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