“Dude Week” has officially drawn to a close. The week, which entailed five days in which residents from the Oakwood Slater Hall are encouraged to give up internet, video games, or movies in order to have more fellowship amongst each other and grow closer as a group. “As an encouragement toward actual human interaction and personal growth, a plethora of activities are offered for the residents of the dorm to experience as a group, such as food ingestion, non-electronic game playing, community service, fund raising, discussion groups and guest speakers,” said Bill Bemis, resident director of Oakwood, “The week is capped with a group picture and an after-hours descent upon Steak-n-Shake for one last meal as a group.” The week was started to take away the distractions that take away from growing, maturing, and fellowshipping with fellow students. They were given the option of giving up one or all of the distractions, or even to put away something they’ve come up with on their own. Bemis said he’s seen a lot of positive results in the lives of the students because of “Dude Week.” “We’ve seen guys who don’t normally relate to others interact with the rest of the dorm,” Bemis said, “We’ve seen guys discuss things other than those which relate to video games. We’ve seen social, emotional and spiritual growth. I’ve seen RA’s serve the residents of the dorm to the point of exhaustion. We’ve seen genuine community enhanced.”