Campus News

Bethel women watch ‘The Bachelor’

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For the past eleven weeks students all over campus have been glued to the television every Monday night to see Sean Lowe try to find true love on the reality show “The Bachelor.”  March 11 was  the finale of the show’s seventeenth season airing on ABC and it did not disappoint on a dramatic ending that kept you hooked right to the end. “I was sitting on the edge of my seat clenching my fists during the whole show,” said sophomore Konstance Childers. “All of the girls in my room always rush through their Mondays to finally sit down and watch "The Bachelor" together, but this Monday was especially full of excitement and anxiety on who would be proposed to.” The Bachelor starts off every season with several limos carrying 26 women pulling up to a cocktail party where some lucky bachelor awaits to greet them all. While most of the women get out in a cocktail dress there is always that one girl that takes the first greeting to the extreme and wears something like an actual wedding gown to the party. “I could not believe when I saw one of the girls get out of the limo in a wedding dress” said sophomore Marissa Coolman. “Who shows up to a cocktail party in a wedding dress, let alone a party where you are trying to impress a guy not scare him away!” Each week the Bachelor would go on either a group date with a minimum of five girls, or a one-on-one date with the girl of his choice. These dates would consist of things such as roller derby to having a whole theme park all too themselves. At the end of each date one of the girls would receive a rose as safe passage to the next round. As each week would come and go, another girl or two would be sent home for the reason of incompatibility or lack of connection with the bachelor. “The rose ceremony at the end of each episode is my favorite part of the whole show,” said senior Ashley Ort. “Each week my roommates and I got to check off another face from the list of girls that appeared on the show.” While most of the girls on campus use this show mainly as a way to get together and have something to talk about during the week, there are some that have taken the viewing of it to a whole new level. Pictures and charts are hung up in some dorms as if it were a bracket for March Madness. With each week that passes another face or name is crossed off and thrown away as a failure in capturing the heart of the Bachelor. “In our room, Monday nights were Bachelor nights, no exceptions,” said senior Amy Baker. “In January, we were so excited for this season that we printed off all of the contestants' pictures and hung them around Sean's on our living room wall and thought it'd be funny to keep a bracket, and it turned out to be a weekly tradition!” While The Bachelor is more dominantly a woman’s show, there were a few guys on campus who had a thing or two to say about the show. While they had not have watched the entire season, they knew and may have even seen an episode or two of it in order to form an opinion that it is not of interest to them. “That is the most ridiculous show I have ever seen in my entire life,” said freshman Morgan Erla. “There is no way someone can fall in love in eleven weeks, let alone while dating several other women at the same time.” This opinion is widely shared by the male population on campus. They rarely watch it unless forced to by a girlfriend or sister. Katherine, the final girl left on this year’s season, was proposed to by Sean on the last show. They plan on having their wedding on live television within the next couple of months to prove that what they found is true love.  
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