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John Kasich still pushing for GOP nomination


The political scene today is absolutely dominated with names like Trump, Clinton, Cruz and Sanders. With all the front-runners battling it out, it’s easy to forget there are more names in this race. John Kasich is a Republican presidential nominee from Ohio. I... More »

Student media center lands a chopper


A recent grant from the Newsflight Organization of America will allow for the construction of a new helipad on top of the Bethel Student Media Center. The helipad will provide a safe takeoff and landing spot for a new student media helicopter. “It’s going to b... More »

Voting 101


Indiana’s primary election is fast approaching: May 3. (For all state primary dates, check the Federal Voting Assistance Program’s list here.) Are you ready to vote? Are you planning to vote? Do you know all the ways you can? Many college age students often fe... More »

Candidate profile: Bernie Sanders


            The Democratic presidential race has seemed rather one sided, but that seems to be changing. According to The Huffington Post, as of Feb. 21, 2016, poll results between the two front runners, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, were closer than the... More »

Meet Ted Cruz: Republican candidate for 2016 election


            At this point within our new year, the presidential primaries are well underway and within less than a year our nation will have a new president sitting in the White House. One of the current presidential candidates is Texas senator Ted Cruz. Accor... More »

Mary Poppins: The magic of flying


The theater is a place where it appears as though anything is possible. Individuals embrace new characters and magical events take place. One magical aspect within the theater is the concept of flying; suddenly a character is soaring through the air enticing t... More »

A point-blank glance at Ambush assassins


Each day we’ll post a new entry in the ongoing log of two anonymous Ambush players, one male and one female, who are providing us with their daily adventures during the game. Check back here each day, or click on the “Ambush Log” page above, to learn new tips ... More »