
Igniting love’s fire

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Song of Solomon 8:6,7 says, “Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm; for love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame. Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot wash it away. If one were to give all the wealth of his house for love, it would be utterly scorned.” That verse is what is inspiring Bethel’s prayer and worship group, Agape Fire. The group is currently meeting on Monday, Tuesday, Saturday, and Sunday nights at 9 a.m. in the Shiloh Prayer Chapel. Everyone is welcome. Agape Fire is the new group that stems from two previous groups. Sophomore Glory Chang, one of the originators, had already started Prayer Warriors along with sophomore Brianna Atkins. Prayer Warriors met every weeknight and prayed for one hour. The other group, which started last semester, was Worship at Shiloh. It was originated by Laura Bulgrien and some other students. It met almost every week night and allowed different students to lead worship. “Laura actually graduated last year and she was praying for a new leader for it and my name was the first thing that came up her mind,” said Chang. “So she asked me if I would lead it for this year and I was down for it.” The combining of the two groups has already proved successful. Many students have already been seen joining in on the worship. Junior Rachel Reinders enjoys spending her time at Agape Fire. “Agape Fire provides a welcoming environment to come and worship God at,” said Reinders. “It provides fellowship and community, which also allows me to seek God.” Chang hopes that students like Reinders, and others will come to worship and not be bound by anything. “My prayer is that we would be free to dance, shout and jump for God as His Spirit leads,” said Chang. Chang would like to see Agape Fire expand to not only the Bethel community, but the Mishawaka/South Bend area as well, by sharing the message of Jesus with people out on the streets. Students who are interested in this group are encouraged to come to the weekly meetings. There is also a Facebook group, “Agape Fire”, where students can receive updates and post and receive prayer requests. “Through our time of worship, we hope to grow closer and closer to God and learn more about the Father’s agape love, which burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame,” said Chang. “We also hope to spread this agape love through intercession and prayer.”
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