Campus News

SEW focuses on repentance

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Foster Christy of Kingdom Building Ministries was last week’s SEW speaker. (Photo by
This year’s Spiritual Emphasis Week (SEW) featured Kingdom Building Ministries’ Foster Christy. Guest speaker Christy inspired and challenged students to not “grieve the Spirit” with their unrepentence. “Like many other students, I found that God’s grace and forgiveness was enough to allow me to forgive myself,” said freshman Nolan Dodge. Students noticed a difference in the delivery of Christy’s messages, compared to previous SEW speakers. “This past SEW was different than most other ones that I have been to,” said senior Curtis Frick. “It seemed like he was trying to be more level with us by not standing on the stage. He wanted to be close to us and he wanted to be able to celebrate with us as our fellow students were born again.” “[Christy’s] words challenged me to surrender my previous opinions to God’s will, instead of relying on my own beliefs,” Dodge said. Prayer warriors and worship leaders added to the SEW experience, helping to create an atmosphere of worship while fostering repentance and renewal throughout the campus. “I found that by the end of the week, my worshipping with God through music became more deep and meaningful that it ever had before,” Dodge said. Senior Shane McNeely also “found it awesome to see Bethel worship so freely. I believe this is how we should worship every chapel.” On the final night of SEW, Christy led a celebration event, encouraging students to receive God’s blessings that follow true repentance. “Spiritual Emphasis Week was really great,” said Shupe RA Courtney Chapmen. “God definitely spoke through Foster; there were things that I was reminded of, and I know the same is true for others as well. It was just awesome to see God revive our campus.”
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