
Graduating seniors prepare for real world

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Amidst the warmer spring weather and melting snow piles, seniors are wrapping up their final year at Bethel and preparing for life outside of the bubble. From attending graduate school to searching for a job, seniors have a rough but exciting road ahead of them. Charity Lane, a senior psychology major, has been accepted to Regent University in Virginia. “I am most excited about the fact that God is clearly blessing what he has called me to,” she said. “He is focusing my passion.” The program she is pursuing is a Doctorate of Psychology in Clinical Psychology — and, consequently, she will be in school for five more years. “Going home … finding a job,” said Sarah Rohn, a senior nursing major, of her post-college plans. She has to take her state certification test in nursing after she graduates, which will determine whether she can practice in the state of Michigan. Senior business major Roman Yoder is undecided about his plans after college. When asked about finding a job, he said, “I am going to look,” but said he does not have unrealistic expectations of the future. He currently works at the Ruth’s Chris Steak House in Granger and is willing to continue working there if he is unable to find another job. Some students do not have concrete plans; instead, they are in the beginning stages of their planning. Senior ministry major Ben Crackle hopes to work with Nappanee Missionary Church. “I want to do a one to two year internship working with the Young Adult ministry and doing discipleship,” he said. Besides job hunting and graduate school perusing, many seniors are faced with the daunting task of planning a wedding. According to a Facebook status update, senior English major Chelsie Bennett, “praises the Lord for Facebook! Never was wedding planning so easy!” She came to that conclusion after using the social networking site to search for addresses and to message people about her upcoming nuptials. As students prepare for graduation Bethel is there to provide assistance. There are many tools available to seniors even after they graduate. For resumé help, students can go to the Career and Intern Service Office to have their document checked for errors.
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