
Hannah’s Handle – The Jonas Brothers: Kind of on my mind

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PHoto taken from: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/jonas-brothers.jpg
PHoto taken from: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/jonas-brothers.jpg
You don’t hear about the Jonas Brothers too much these days. However, over break they kept popping up. This surprised me because I feel that when it comes to tween stars, they are definitely yesterday’s news. Nonetheless, here is what happened. First of all, my mom was telling me that Saddleback Church in Anaheim, California (Kay Warren, the lead pastor’s wife spoke during WCAC) will be having the Jonas Brothers sing during their Easter service this year. It is the 30th anniversary of the church and they are expecting such large crowds that they are renting out the Angels stadium. I had mixed feelings about this, I mean that is kind of weird right? But then I thought, good for the JoBros. Using their gifts and fame to glorify God! That’s where it’s at! Maybe they’ll sing something from their Christian album days. Then secondly, over break every single time I went into Hollister I heard the new song from Nick’s solo band, Nick Jonas and the Administration (sweet name by the way .…) “Who I Am.” I mean, I don’t dislike the song, I just, again, found it weird that it kept playing in Hollister. Since when do they play The Jonas Brothers there? But, I think the real question here is, why did I go to Hollister so much over break? Ok and this didn’t really happen recently, but in December, Kevin got married. I was watching E! Network. They often have a scroll of celebrity news playing on the bottom of the screen. I caught one of the headlines that read “Oldest Jonas marries childhood love.” I thought, “Oh, how cute. They must have been neighbors or something right?” Wrong. The scroll continued reading “Kevin and Danielle met two years ago in the Bahamas.” Since when does meeting two years ago constitute as a childhood love. E! News, hire some new writers. Oh JoBros, I feel your time is passing. And if you think about it, when looking at past bands consisting of three brothers (cough, Hanson), your days of fame are coming to an end. Sweet run, boys.
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