Campus News

New administrative structure

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academic buildingThere's a new administrative structure  at Bethel College  this year. Four new deans were hired  to serve as heads of the new divisions. Previously, the system was broken down into separate schools. With this new structure, the only remaining school is the School of Nursing, whose dean is Dr. Carol Dorough. The other academic disciplines are broken down into three divisions. These divisions are Arts and Humanities, Sciences and Professional/Graduate Studies. The new deans put in place are Dr. Tom Visker, Dr. Rob Meyers and Dr. Bradley Smith, respectively. "We want to foster a more highly collaborative approach," said Dr. Dennis Crocker, dean of academics at Bethel. Dr. Crocker explained that the former structure called for more independence. He said the administration felt tjhe change in systems would be "appropriate for us and our culture." Crocker also said this new structure will hopefully be more effective and efficient. The deans will not only serve as heads of their divisions but will also be teaching some classes.
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