Campus News

Students travel south for the semester

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On Wed., Sept. 1, at approximately 9 a.m. a group of students said goodbye to their fellow friends and classmates as they drove off in a charter bus toward Chicago to catch a plane headed for the Dominican Republic. This group of students will be gone for the entirety of the fall semester studying and volunteering at different work sites. During their stay each student will be rooming with another student from a different college, in which they will be staying with two host families. In the first half of the semester the students will be staying with one family while they will be taking classes. Apart from just taking classes they will also be doing other exciting activities as a group. One of the students going is sophomore Courtney Chapman. “The whole team will be participating in a plethora of fun-filled activities,” Chapman said. “Every weekend, we'll be going on little excursions to places. We also having a designated travel week where we'll get to see lots of cool historical things, which is going to be awesome because I'm a huge history nerd.” Once the first half of the semester is over the students will leave their current host family and move in with another family. During this part of the trip they will be working at different ministry sites. “I will be working at the social work sight in Los Higos,” said Chapman. While Chapman is gone in the Dominican Republic she will be keeping a blog although she says she doesn’t know how often she will be able to update it since Internet connection is limited. If you wish to follow her blog you can read it at:
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