Recent thefts in the Everest-Rohrher chapel call for new safety measures. Campus Safety and local police are still investigating the recent theft at Bethel. On Monday, Oct. 18, a video camera and lens as well as an electric guitar were taken from the Everest-Rohrer auditorium sometime shortly after chapel. The Mishawake police made a report and assigned a detective to the case. An email notification was also sent out asking for any tips. A few have come forward with helpful information, however, there hasn't been any new updates so far. Campus Safety is working on some new measures to help increase security. For starters, the doors leading to the balconies in the auditorium now have locks. The department is also looking into the possibility of installing video cameras. "This kind of thing is happening all over the area," said Phil Jerome, director of Campus Safety. "Sadly, Bethel is not immune to it. " Jerome also said that this is a good time to remind students to take the necessary precautions to keep this from happening to them. He suggests locking rooms and securing other valuable possessions.
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