
A threat of snow

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The cloudy skies, cooler temperatures, and an upcoming forecast for snow makes the unseasonably warm weather from just two weeks ago hard to imagine. Yet, only a few weeks ago, students on Bethel’s campus were relaxing by the pond, abandoning their warmer coats, and enjoying the sunshine as temperatures reached the lower seventies. It seemed as if Bethel and its campus were getting ready for spring, instead of making the transition into fall and winter. The falling leaves that blanketed the ground were a constant reminder that the unseasonably warm weather would not last – and it didn’t. Only last week temperatures were again in the forties preparing the students for the call of heavy snow predicted for this Thanksgiving. Snow is a part of life when living in northern Indiana, but that doesn’t mean that all of Bethel’s students are prepared for it. Some students dread the snow as it can make the holiday travel difficult, but other students simply dread the snow due to the cold that it brings. Senior Melissa Payne is one of those students. “I hate the cold!” said Payne. “I will never be ready for winter. I could easily live in a place where winter is without snow!” This thought is unthinkable for some students who rely on Indiana to give them a white Christmas. Junior Megan Weldy has grown up in Indiana and looks forward to the snow every year. “I am so ready for winter and cold and snow!” said Weldy. “I love the cold and have had enough of this warmer weather!” Weldy seems to be in the minority of students who anxiously await the arrival of snow. The majority of students tend to dread the snow that makes a walk around campus slippery and cold. Only time will tell if this Thanksgiving will bring the predicted snow or not, but whether snow comes early or late this year, it is bound to make its appearance. However, even the students who dislike the snow the most might admit that the sparkling white snow on campus adds to the spirit of the holidays that everyone is beginning to feel.
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