Campus News

Students form new pro-life group

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Recently a new student-run club emerged on campus called Students for Life. “We, as a group, are passionate about pro-life because we want to be a voice for the voiceless and the defenseless,” said sophomore and president of the group, Anna Tinklenberg. “We want to stand up against abortion and be an advocate for the little ones whom God cares for so deeply.” According to Tinklenberg the group got started because several people had a passion for the cause and members of the faculty asked them to initiate a club on campus. Of the many things Tinklenberg wants to do this year, one of them includes a pro-life movie screening. “We have several different options that we are choosing from,” said Tinklenberg. “We are working to raise awareness around campus this semester and get more people involved!” As a group they have other events in store. “We are looking into going down to the abortion clinic and praying a couple times per month and maybe even in January, taking a group to Washington, DC for the National March for Life,” said Tinklenberg. As of right now they don’t have a permanent meeting time set up, but Tinklenberg said to watch for announcements on meeting times coming soon. For now students may contact either Anna Tinklenberg, Corrie Belobraydich, Katy Boonstra or their faculty advisors Rick Becker and Sally Erdel for more information
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