Campus News

Battle of the bands

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Have you ever heard of the bands Released II, Scout and the Finches, the Dukes of Arggy, or Trash the Dress? Chances are probably not, but coming this Feb. 18 at 7pm these bands will be performing in Bethel’s very own Battle of the Bands. The event will coincide will the Bethel College’s Pilot Pageant. Each band will perform one cover song and one original tune during the Pilot Pageant. The actual Battle of the Band event will take place in the Everest-Rohr chapel building. In order to make the set list bands were required to try out before Student Council representatives on Jan. 28. The first place band will receive $250 worth of gift certificates to Guitar Center in addition to Buffalo Wild Wings gift cards. “The bands chosen are fantastic,” said Professor Christian Mihut. “Our students will be in for a real treat,” added Mihut. Mihut also said he hopes to make this event a yearly tradition.
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