
Pilot track teams brace for NCCAA Indoor Championship

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The Pilot Track teams had a very productive day last Saturday when they traveled to compete in the Taylor Indoor Invitational. Both teams combined to claim eleven event champions, and hit the NAIA qualification mark 12 times. On the men’s side, Calen Boyd had a great meet as he was able to capture both the 55m dash. In doing so Boyd qualified for the NAIA Indoor Championship with his 55m dash time. JW Maierle continued to be a strong leader as he has been for the Pilots all season by winning the long jump. Other athletes that competed well on the day consisted of Boyd in the triple jump, Jordan Heim in the 400m, and the 4X400m team of Ahrin Lemacks, Cory Naragon, Talal Maree, and Tim Sipe. The women also had a tremendous day as they were able to win seven events. These even winners consisted of Kati Buetler in the long-jump, Avante Newsome Gunn in the 400m, Irene Kangai in the 600m, Nichole Arnold in the shot put, and Trisha Miller in the 3K. In addition, Buetler, Newsome Gunn, Kangai and Arnold all hit the NAIA qualifying mark. Overall, it was a very successful meet in preparing the Pilot athletes for next week as they compete in the NCCAA Indoor Nationals held at Indiana Wesleyan. Not only do both teams have a good percentage of athletes competing next Saturday, but they each hope to compete again this year for another championship.
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