
Semester abroad applications in cycle

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Every year Brent Reimer, director of study abroad, takes a group of students to the Pacific Rim for a semester. This year is different from the year before in that there are only eight students going, all of them being female, as compared to the year before in which 10 girls and 10 guys went on the trip. According to Reimer this is pretty typical. In 2010 there were 10 students and in 2009 there were 17. “There are cycles in all of the programs but not as dramatic as it is in the Pac Rim program,” said Reimer. “The female applications are always pretty steady but the males are more hit and miss.” Reimer doesn’t think the economy has much to do with it although it does cost a few thousand more to go on a trip such as this, but he believes it isn’t the major issue. When girls sign up they don’t seem to care if they come with a group of friends and once they sign up they are more committed to going. Guys seem to sign up in groups and want to have friends to share this experience with. To try and balance out the number of students going on the trip in the future, there are plans at work. “We want to limit the number of applicants so one year can push over to the next year,” said Reimer. Reimer is hoping there will be a consistent flow of 12 to 15 students in the years to come. In order to do that on a “more interested” year he hopes to encourage those who can hold off a year to wait and go the following year. According to Reimer it’s important to realize “it’s ok to not go with your friend group you want to go with because you will meet new friends. The group of friends you come in contact with will become your closest friends.”
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