Campus News

Student Council hosts Christmas party

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Santa Claus, horse carriage rides, and an array of Christmas cookies were just a few of the highlights of a Yuletide party held Thursday, Dec. 8. The party, which was hosted by Student Council, was open to all Bethel students and free of charge. It was held in the Lodge, a female residence hall on campus and featured horse carriage rides, both in a large cart for groups and a smaller carriage for couples. Student Council member Christopher Copan Scottstated that this year’s preparations went smoothly. “We’ve done it previous years, so we know who to go to, who to talk to, and how to set it up,” Scott said. Scott was in charge of acquiring the Santa suit and contacting Santa Claus, who turned out to be Senior Vice-President Dr. Dennis Engbrecht. Overall, Scott considered the event to be a success, and taken well by the student body. “I think that they like it very much, being that for Christmas we usually scatter to our homes, and seldomly have the time to hang out with other people that are near and dear to us, like friends,” Scott said.  
Dr. Dennis Engbrecht played Santa Claus at the Christmas party on Thursday.
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