Campus News

Bethel hosts third Red Cross blood drive of school year

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Bethel College hosted its third blood drive of the year through The Red Cross on Feb. 4. This was one of the biggest blood drives of the school year and had a goal of raising 100 units of blood. Unfortunately, The Red Cross collected about half that amount as roughly 50 individuals gave blood. The Red Cross sponsors a number of drives at Bethel College and works through Jon Rodgers and Daniel Riley. Rodgers and Riley were chosen for an internship by The Red Cross and are responsible for coordinating three to four drives a year. Some of the things that they do are advertising for the drive, setting up the gym, and providing service throughout the drive. Despite this drive reaching the goal that had been set by the school, there will be a fourth drive in early April. Drives are typically eight weeks apart so that all students who gave blood will be eligible to give again. The Red Cross has become very accustomed to Bethel College as students generally give significant amounts of blood. According to The Red Cross Every there is someone in the United States who needs blood every two seconds. In addition, they claim that 44,000 units are needed daily to fill this need. With one unit of blood, The Red Cross states that up to three lives can be saved. Bethel College along with Rodgers and Riley will be looking to rebound with a solid drive this coming April. Appointments can be made ahead of time and walk-ins are always welcome.
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