Campus News

Helm offers second chance for senior pictures

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Every year Helm yearbook offers a free photo shoot to graduating seniors. But because many students missed the fall photo shoot opportunity, the staff has requested Professional Photographer Jim McAdams to revisit campus for a second round.  
Seniors can make an appointment to have their photo taken for the yearbook at
Seniors can make an appointment to have their photo taken for the yearbook at
"Seniors will only have a one-day shot," said Cindy Lynn Jacobs, assistant director of student media. "We usually have to book the photographer a year in advance because he fills up his schedule and travels to many different colleges throughout the year. It just turned out he could squeeze us in for a one-day second round, without us having to beg too terribly much." The photo shoot is free for the purpose of appearing in the yearbook. Proofs will also be mailed with pricing info to students interested in purchasing. Photos will be taken from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wed., March 19 at Bridges Hall (formerly The Lodge). Appointments can be made at For questions, contact Jacobs at
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