Campus News

Bethel College dons shorts and flip-flops during November heat wave

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As the nation set back its clocks and braced for winter's looming entrance and cold Mother Nature, Mishawaka, Indiana was greeted by seasonally unusual high temperatures. Students rolled out of bed on this past Monday morning, (November 2), and were able to enjoy the warmth and renewal of a bright and sunny day. However, these rays of sunshine didn’t stop by for a mere morning showing. During the week of November 1st at Bethel College, students, faculty and staff experienced exposure to something quite unpredictable: heat, and lots of it. In fact, the school, like many other places across the region, is currently experiencing a late dose of summer-like weather before the harsh and bitter cold of an Indiana winter settles in. The last week of October showed temperatures ranging in the 40 and 50 degree range. However, this heat wave during the week of November 1st saw temperatures ranging into the mid to upper 70’s! Late heat waves such as this aren’t completely uncommon, although they are unique. The term Indian summer has become the main way in which people refer to this late stretch of unusually warm days with cold nights in late October or early November. People have speculated over the years as to why the phenomenon was, in fact, called Indian summer. Some have given tribute to the occasional, late period of summer weather that would allow the Native Americans of old to continue hunting for food before certain animals began hibernation. The earliest recorded documentation of the term Indian summer appears to have occurred in a letter by an 18th century Frenchmen by the name of John de Crevecoeur who stated, “Sometimes the rain is followed by an interval of calm and warm which is called the Indian summer.” Bethel College appeared to take advantage of this unusually late showing of summer-like weather. Students briefly put away their winter jackets and instead broke out their flip-flops and shorts. Numerous students were sighted doing their homework outside at benches or in the grass. Others were unleashing their inner child by playing in the fallen leaves or playing outdoor games such as “Bags” or sand volleyball. All of this warm weather should definitely come as a blessing to many after concluding a chapel series on grief, anxiety and depression. The chapel series provided insight into areas such as Seasonal Affective Disorder that commonly is related back to the type of bitter cold change in seasons that we typically experience in northeastern Indiana. The added sunshine and warmth will hopefully come as a needed aside from the winter that is swiftly approaching. This Indian summer will most likely be just a brief stretch of warm and sunny days amidst a chilly and brisk entrance into the winter months, but Bethel College was definitely willing to accept it for how short of a duration it may have been. It’s only a matter of time, now before old man winter comes knocking on our doors.


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