Campus News

The new My.Bethel

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my.bethel Thus far within our fall semester there have been several changes and new additions to our campus. So it didn't take many of us by surprise when there was a new update to Bethel's student resources site, MyBethel. The new page looks highly sophisticated while having several new changes to the locations of certain links. Since the changes to the page have and will continue to affect students, the Beacon decided to ask the opinion of students across campus, looking to discover how exactly the changes are affecting individuals. Jason Poff, a music education major who is in his sophomore year here at Bethel, had this to say, "I'm not a big fan of the new page right now because I had just gotten used to the other one, and I could navigate it pretty easily and this one just doesn't seem to be as intuitive as the other one was; so it's just one more thing to learn right now." Continuing the conversation, I asked Hope Nofziger, a freshman American sign language interpreting major, what she thought of the new MyBethel. "I don't think that the website's that different," she said. "It's still about the same format so it's easy to get around." We also talked to Jonathan Brandt, a liberal studies major completing his senior year here at Bethel. "The new MyBethel looks cool while being sharp and neat," he said, "but as a senior it's hard learning something after doing something a certain way for three years, so it's just a little confusing." "My initial reaction was that I didn't like it, said sophomore Hannah Cave, a social studies education major, "I'm not sure that was just because it was new or that I just don't like it." "I like that it's new and improved and it's really efficient, and aesthetically it's pleasing," said Shante Burns, a music education major in her 5th year at Bethel. Andrea Neumayer, a senior worship arts and liberal studies major, said "I'd say that the new MyBethel is very efficient. I especially think that the news areas such as Bethel feed, magazine and events are much more accessible and catchy to the eye." So in all reality, there seem to be mixed emotions about the new MyBethel page; it may be more efficient and easier to use for some, and more difficult for others. However, the vote is truly up to you, the individual student. Try the new page out for yourself and decide what you think!
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