Campus News

Campus Safety Update

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MISHAWAKA—While Bethel’s campus may sometimes seem quiet, there is always something going on in the realm of Campus Safety. Within the past month, there have been a number of students with a wide variety of medical injuries to be dealt with, and multiple fire alarms triggered among the dorm buildings. Other issues on campus include:

  • Reports of suspicious individuals roaming the campus, even one report of stalking which took place outside of the Wiekamp Athletic Center.  
  • Two vehicle accidents in the month of February: one taking place in the Everest-Rohrer parking lot and the other near the Shiloh Chapel.
  • A report was filed for property damage in the Dining Commons on Feb. 7.  

One of the more serious events that took place was a robbery near the Huffman Administration Building between the parking lot and the roadway. The incident occurred on Feb. 20, but no further details have been made available.

Though it is easy to let your guard down within the safety of the ‘Bethel Bubble,’ it is advised to be cautious, because unfortunate events can still occur. Most of these reports go unnoticed by the general population of Bethel’s campus, but it is good to be aware of them.

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