Campus News

Flavored Coffee at SG

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MISHAWAKA – You may have noticed that a few weeks ago Sufficient Grounds was making an effort to offer flavored coffee alongside its normal lineup of Starbucks brand specialty drinks, custom drinks from students, and traditional coffee. For a brief period of time several weeks ago, Seattle’s Best, a Starbucks subsidiary, was served. However, according to a statement from Sheri Hess, any coffee that is not Starbucks brand is not allowed to be served. Thus, the flavored coffee was removed from the menu.

There has been a demand for the flavored coffee to return, according to Christina Bilyak, an employee of the coffee shop. “Yes, there was demand for it, when [Seattle’s Best] was gone. I had some complaints from a few of the professors.”

Until Sodexo’s agreement with Starbucks changes it doesn’t look like the flavored coffee will return. In the meantime, pumps of flavor can be added to traditional coffee for an additional $0.60.

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