
The Nutshell

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MISHAWAKA—Welcome back to the Nutshell! This is where the Beacon staff poses a question to you, the student body, and publishes your answers. 

This week we asked you: How do you plan to study for finals? 

Hannah Graham – Freshman Sign-Language Interpreting major, “I plan on studying alone, by myself, I prefer to study alone, when I study with people I tend to be more off task; but I plan on reviewing the notes that I have, both written down and in the computer, and then, of course, going back and re-reading any parts of any of my textbooks if I don’t quite remember something or don’t quite fully understand something, to hopefully feel confident in my test-taking.”

Gale Immel – Sophomore Exercise Science major, “I’m not really sure yet, I haven’t really thought about it. I guess probably, I only have two finals so I guess just really going over the material for those two.”

Christopher Ahlgrim – Junior Biology major, “Just flashcards and reading all the material.”

Jacob Marsh – Freshman Accounting and Economics major “I think I’ll just review notes and take notes on my notes; I kind of make a ‘cheat-sheet’ for every class and kind of just review the stuff I find difficult.”

Payton Hart – Sophomore Criminal Justice major, “I think what I’m going to do is, I’m going to, so I know that there’s those rooms in the library, I think I’m just going to go in there with all my notes the week before, and one of the resources I use a lot when I’m studying for any test is Quizlet, and I’m just really going to hammer all my notes and stuff like that.”

Maygan Cygert – Freshman Elementary Education major, “Just, every day, just study a little bit.”

Jardel Santos – Freshman Business Administration major, “I plan to study for finals two weeks before, so I take time two hours every day to study.”

Melissa Matteson – Senior Studio Art major, “I don’t have a lot of finals I have to study for, but probably at the last minute.”

Noelle Sellers – Freshman Sign-Language interpreting major, “I’m probably just going to wing it and use whatever time I have.”

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