Campus News

Meet Bethel’s New Faculty

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Picking up right where we left off last time, we’re finishing our list of new faculty members for Bethel University. 

Dr. Laura Maddux, our new Assistant Professor of Sign Language Interpreting, is coming to us from the Lone Star State. She has taught interpreting at Gallaudet University, a private, federally chartered school for the deaf and hard-of-hearing students, and Lamar University, as well as intermittent English and ASL. For 23 years, Dr. Maddux has worked among the ASL and Deaf community and has been interpreting for 15 years. When asked how she came to be at Bethel University, Maddux responded, “[I] absolutely knew I wouldn’t go to the frozen north,” but God offered her the change she was looking for, “Their kindness made coming so much more attractive.” That same kindness has allowed Dr. Maddux to collaborate with many other departments to present to her students. Let us all continue to give her a warm, Pilots’ welcome! 

Professor Jonathan Hirschy, born in southern Michigan, will be Bethel’s new Instructor of Accounting. He came to Bethel College in 1985 and left with a bachelor’s degree in Accounting and Business Administration. Hirschy returned home and began to work in restaurant management. It was at this time he got the opportunity to help a start-up accounting firm, Pavlov and Associates, as the owner’s first employee. He started off as a part-time employee but turned to full-time later and spent around 25 years at this firm. It was late in the 1990’s when Hirschy went to work for World Partners, travelling to serve in Guinea as a Business Manager/Field Administrator. He did another brief stint at the firm earlier this year, before he applied and was accepted as a professor at Bethel University. Professor Hirschy is looking forward to giving back to the Bethel community and cannot wait to see what lies ahead for all of us Pilots. 

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