Campus News

Amy Ortiz: Fashion Influencer and Dental Hygienist?

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MISHAWAKA-Amy Ortiz, the wife of current Residential Director, Robert Ortiz, comes to Bethel University not only with a great sense in fashion, but also a big platform on social media to share it on.  

Amy Ortiz is the new girl in town, with roles such as a mother to her three children, a wife to a Resident Director, a licensed Dental Hygienist and a social media influencer through Instagram and a self-made blog.  

Social Media Influencers seem to be raiding the internet and has become any Generation-Z’s desired job.  

A social media influencer is a user on any social media platform that has credibility within a certain industry and shares their experiences with a large audience. Ortiz says, “[It is] someone that, not necessarily talks to one audience, but helps a community through different things, like fashion, and influences in a positive way. They are a voice from the heart.” 

The journey started eight years ago, after her first son was born. Starting out, Ortiz posted fashion inspiration and family experiences, and noticed her role online when women were direct messaging her during her internet breaks to ask if she was okay. Ortiz then noticed how much posting Bible verses, encouragements, and even fashion inspiration really meant to women around the Chicago area, and even across the country, and soon grew popular by word of mouth.  

Amy Ortiz aims to encourage and reach Hispanic and Latin American women in their twenties to their thirties, from Northern United States to South America, who share the typical short and curvy body type in search for fashion tips and Christ.  

Through her Instagram, Ortiz shares daily outfit inspiration for women with clothing pieces from affordable stores ranging from thrift stores to Walmart and an assortment of others. She is conscious of her audience and preaches looking good for less, but also believes in investing in quality items that will last her for years to come. Her blog is also used to provide followers with links to individual clothing pieces to buy for themselves.  

Ortiz loves sharing Christ-filled inspiration and fashion tips, but also has shared her weight loss journey throughout the years. She says that her vulnerability has opened doors for different opportunities and became more than just sharing a picture on Instagram.  

Before moving to Mishawaka, Amy Ortiz partnered with different companies to promote on her platforms and has been given opportunities to travel across the country. Because of her variety of opportunities in the fashion industry, Ortiz has travelled to places like, Nashville, New Orleans, and even New York City for Fashion Week in 2016. New York Fashion Week is one of the biggest events in the industry where brands come together to showcase their collections for the upcoming season.  

Her role on social media has come with many blessings but has struggled in the last couple months following her family’s move to a smaller town. After the move, Amy realized how different smaller cities are when it comes to fashion. She said, “There was a shift in my wardrobe”. Also, Ortiz says, “[Chicago was always sporting] the latest trends. It’s a place where patterns can be mixed, and you can look crazy without being looked at weird. There was a flexibility to dress the way you want.”  

Moving to Indiana, Ortiz noticed there is a shift in fashion, being low-key and more minimalist, it is a place where jeans and simple t-shirts are trending.  Which are trends that differ from her vintage and retro look. Ortiz had to adapt to the homogenous fashion in order to relate to her new-found audience.  

The influencer is starting from the beginning again, trying to look for businesses to partner with and people to work with to continue her work online. With no family nearby, it becomes difficult for Ortiz to travel the way she could before. Through traveling and different events, the influencer uses her profile as a creative outlet, with little interest in creating a full-time career out of her profile and blog. Amy is currently focusing on working as a dental hygienist at a local office and her roles as a mother and wife.  

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