Campus News

Students for Life Advocates for Pro-Life Stance on Campus

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MISHAWAKA—Bethel University Students for Life is a club on campus dedicated to raising awareness for and supporting the Pro-Life movement. 

“We are a community within the school and are putting some light on the fact that there are students here who are Pro-Life and who stand by those viewpoints,” Kaylee Galvan, a sophomore and the Vice President of Students for Life, said. “It’s just a good way to get representation to Bethel because we are a Christian campus.” 

There are other institutions that have clubs like Students for Life as well. There are 12 students in Bethel’s club. Most of the club’s members are underclassmen.  

Students for Life provides opportunities for students to be able to make a difference in the community. They also host events and participate in events that raise awareness about the Pro-Life movement. Counseling sessions are available to students concerning this topic.  

This semester, the Students for Life club attended the St. Joseph County Right to Life Benefit Dinner.  

The club hosted their first on-campus event on Nov. 9. They watched the movie “Unplanned,” and then participated in a discussion talking about the issues the movie covered. The movie event took place in the Kelly Auditorium. 

The club only invited Bethel students and faculty to the movie event. But St. Joseph Right to Life posted the invite on their Facebook page which attracted more attendees. Including Students for Life members, 21 people attended the event. 

Galvan said while Students for Life is pro-life, they recognize that other students may have different opinions. The club does not want to discourage students from getting involved because of their different views. Students for Life members are more than willing to talk to people who hold a different opinion.  

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