Student Life

Bethel Starts Mid-Week Meetings

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MISHAWAKA – Most Bethel students are aware that they are required to attend chapel three days a week. Last week, Bethel resumed Midweek Small Groups. In light of this, there has been some confusion about chapel attendance and what counts toward those three required weekly credits.  

Chapel attendance is a requirement for all residential students; or any non-residential, full-time students (12 credits or more) who have a class immediately before or after 10 a.m. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday gatherings. Each student with a chapel requirement will be granted nine chapel skips at the beginning of each semester. Students are eligible to gain bonus chapel skips by attending various extra chapels in the evening at 8 p.m. during the Deeper Life Conference in the spring or Spiritual Emphasis Week in the fall. There may also be additional opportunities to gain bonus skips throughout the semester.  

Students can monitor their attendance record and remaining skips on the Student Services page on MyBethel. If a student uses more than their allotted skips, they will meet with a Student Life representative and the student may be placed on Supervisory Probation with a Chapel Attendance Agreement.  

There are many Midweek Small Group offerings this semester. Students are welcome to attend the Bible studies hosted in their dorms, or they may choose to attend one of the other various offerings throughout campus. These include: 

Morning Worship – Every Wednesday at 10 a.m. 

A time of worship and prayer led by student worship leaders in the Kelly Auditorium. 

Coffee with Profs – Every Wednesday at 10 a.m.  

Coffee, conversation, and questions about faith with Bethel professors in the Shiloh Prayer Chapel. 

Conversations with Coaches – Every Wednesday at 10 a.m. 

Conversations of faith with Bethel coaches in W101. 

Breaking Free 101 – Every Monday at 7:30 p.m. 

A program to give students the basic tools needed to personally overcome emotional and spiritual baggage and allowing them to help others do so. (Go to AC342 with a trusted friend of the same gender to serve as your partner.). 

Commuter Bible Study – Every Wednesday at 10 a.m. 

A time for commuters to build community with other commuters through a Bible study led by commuter assistants in S017. 

Brave Love – Every Wednesday at 10 a.m. 

A woman’s small group led by Ariana Jones and Brianna Andrews in the Log Chapel.  

Campus Bible Study – Every Wednesday at 10 a.m. 

A group study on the Book of Exodus led by Rachel Kennedy in AC433. 

Vespers – Every Wednesday at 9 p.m. 

A chapel service led by members of the student body in the Kelly Auditorium. 

Though students are allowed to attend more than one Midweek offering a week at different times, it will not grant them bonus skips. If, for some reason, the preferred Midweek study is not meeting in any given week, it is the student’s responsibility to find another option. Skips will not be kept simply due to the cancellation of one group. 

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