Campus News

Bethical News Taken Over by New Hosts

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MISHAWAKA—Sidney Sprunger and Justin Rasmussen brought the news and the funnies to Friday chapel audiences during their time as the Bethical News hosts, but this school year a new duo is taking over. 

Seniors Gabrylle Perkins and Luke Hillegonds are both excited to fill their new positions. 

Perkins originally came to Bethel as a nursing major but has switched her major several times and is now a theatre arts major.  

Hillegonds is majoring in health and physical education; he chose to come to Bethel partly because of the golf program and family pressure.  

“My parents kind of forced me to come here,” Hillegonds said. “But I love it now, so it’s okay.” 

Perkins planned to host Bethical News since first being introduced to it and persevered to make that dream a reality. 

“My freshman year I saw Bethical News for the first time and I was like, ‘I’m gonna be the host my senior year,’” Perkins said. “I kind of forced my way.” 

Hillegonds had the opportunity to guest-host the show last year and is good friends with Nathaniel Montiel, Oakwood’s resident director and the executive producer of Bethical News.  

“He thought I’d be good for the job, so now here I am,” Hillegonds said. 

Perkins loves using this opportunity to bring joy to people. 

“My goal is to make people laugh,” Perkins said.  

Hillegonds enjoys hosting the show and also views it as a good experience to prepare him for future goals. 

“In my future, I want to continue to entertain,” Hillegonds said. “I’m just looking at this as an opportunity to grow my skills in that and learn how to make people laugh, create a personality; I’m just looking to really learn a lot this year.” 

As a theatre arts major, Perkins’ favorite show that she has been a part of to date is “Godspell”; along with acting, she is also a make-up designer. 

“I kind of fill in for everyone when they need something,” Perkins said. “I’ve done a show where I was three characters and the make-up designer, while taking 18 credit hours.” 

In addition to playing on the Bethel golf team, Hillegonds is interested in other sports as well. 

“I’m a diehard Chicago sports fan,” Hillegonds said. “White Sox, Bears, Bulls; I’m just a huge sports guy in general. Sports are my passion.” 

Hillegonds and Perkins had some words of advice for Bethel students. 

“Be careful what you do, because people are watching,” Perkins said. “I remember one time I chased a goose, and the next day a lady in the DC came up to me and told me not to chase the geese anymore.” 

Hillegonds encouraged students to be themselves. 

“Don’t worry about what everybody else thinks,” Hillegonds said. “Just be yourself. There can be a lot of rumors that fly around, but if you’re happy with yourself, living a Christian lifestyle and doing what you need to, then that’s all you can do.” 

Perkins and Hillegonds both shared their personal mottos as well. 

“You only live once, so you might as well just do it,” Perkins said. “That’s my motto.” 

“Don’t let the haters get you down,” Hillegonds said. “That’s a motto I live by.” 

Hillegonds and Perkins both encouraged students to watch Bethical News each week. 

“People should watch Bethical News,” Hillegonds said. “It’s actually very informational and you can learn about what’s going on on campus and... I think it’s very entertaining.” 

“I looked forward to it every week my freshman year,” Perkins said. “It’s just fun.” 

Bethical News is sent out in a campus email every Friday; people can also subscribe to their YouTube channel here for the latest updates. 

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