Student Life

Bethel Psychology Club Helps Feed the Children

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MISHAWAKA- Once every semester, the Bethel Psychology Club has a service event to volunteer in the community. The goal of these service events is to ensure that the psychology club is not only a social club, but that they are also being a blessing in their community. 

According to Psychology Club President Emily Penaflorida, several of the psychology students at Bethel are very empathetic, and this service event is an opportunity for them to help people in the community. 

This semester the psych club helped Feed the Hungry to package hygiene and food kits for struggling families within the community on Saturday, Oct. 16. This event was open to any students who wished to participate, as are many of the club’s events. Watch for flyers around campus or contact Emily Penaflorida or Professor Norm Spivey to learn about upcoming opportunities. 

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