Campus News

Up-and-Coming Band Makes an Appearance at Bethel’s Go2BU

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MISHAWAKA–– Go2BU is an immersive weekend for high school juniors and seniors to have a college experience in just three days. Director of Admissions, Stephanie Hochstetler, said that this was the third year for Go2BU, and each year is similar in schedule. 

 “They get to see so much of what Bethel has to offer in such a compacted time frame. They get the whole overview,” Hochstetler said. 

 Students were able to do activities that involve almost every aspect that Bethel has to offer. Activities included arts, classes, sports, theatre and a free concert Friday night. 

This year, the up-and-coming band, Cochren & Co. was asked to put on a show for Go2BU. The band featured lead singer, Michael Cochren, along with his wife and fellow band members playing bass, drums, acoustic and electric guitar and keyboard. The concert was free to all students and Bethel community members.

Kristy Bridegroom, director of conference services, said collectively through meetings and connections and using a booking platform used previously for other events, student life was able to contact and ask Cochren & Co. to come to Bethel for the event. 

(Photo credit Sumer Schindler)

“We thought they would be able to connect with campus community,” Bridegroom said.

The lead vocalist grew up in a small town in southern Indiana, according to their official website. Additionally, the band is currently touring with TobyMac across the country.

Michael Cochren, lead singer of the band, said that performing for young people allows for hope. 

“I think they’re facing stuff that we never faced even five years ago when I was in college so I think if the more we can encourage those people and students, the more I think they are going to go out into the world better equipped to handle life.”

Bridegroom thought students could relate to the lead singer and the band, since Cochren was raised in Indiana and grew up in the church.

“This would have been someone who would’ve been a BU student at some point,” Bridegroom said. 

Bridegroom said the band had a classical sound but also added an old school sound with their own interesting beats, producing every aspect of the music, which would draw many students. 

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