
BU A Capella Group Starting Soon

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MISHAWAKA- A new group is making its appearance at Bethel this school year: a student-led a capella music group. Student Kyle Moorer originated this idea and received permission from Becky Branch, administrative assistant of the music department, to turn it into a reality.  

A capella is a type of music made by using only vocalization. No instruments are used, only people’s voices, which can mimic instruments.  

While this group is going to be student lead, Branch will be the staff sponsor. She will be helping in the background of the group while students will be leading it. 

“It is a student-led club, so it’s not officially part of academic music department,” Branch said. “I think it’s a great idea, I think a lot of people enjoy that style of music. Music is a great outlet for stress relief, for fun, for meeting new people, and for having something to keep them involved.” 

Branch also stated that there will be more information coming next week. There are posters up around campus for those interested and students with any questions may contact Branch at  becky.branch@betheluniversity.edu or Moorer at  kyle.moorer@betheluniversity.edu.  

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