
Student Council Elections Being Held Soon

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MISHAWAKA- The start of a new school year at Bethel University means it is time for a student council election.  

The upperclassmen and underclassmen councils have elections every fall semester to elect their president, vice president and secretary for the school year. All these positions are voted on each year. This year, the election for all six positions, three for upperclassmen and three for underclassmen, will take place on Friday, Sept. 2 on the my.betheluniversity.edu website. All students are encouraged to take part in voting for their new student council members.  

Bethel University has three branches of student council: one for underclassmen, one for upperclassmen and an executive council that’s over the other two. Being on the student council involves responsibilities like planning events for students; different councils plan different events. For example, the underclassmen council plans the canned food drive as well as the luau, while the upperclassmen council oversees planning the upperclassmen dance as well as the class gift. 

Elections for executive council will take place during the spring semester. Students do not need prior experience to run for student council and are encouraged to consider taking part either by voting or by running.  

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