
Midweek Small Groups Begin Again

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MISHAWAKA– Bethel’s Small Groups will be taking place starting Wednesday, Sept. 21, 2022.  The small groups are offered to better meet the requests for community and connections on the campus.  

Anyone is welcome to attend multiple groups but will only receive one Midweek Small Group credit per week. One credit will be applied to each week’s attendance requirement and cannot be saved up to apply to other weeks. Most of the small groups will be on Wednesdays, but there will be a few during other times of the week.  

On Mondays, in room 342 of the Academic Center, there will be a small group called Breaking Free 101. This group aims to equip students with the basic tools needed to personally overcome emotional and spiritual baggage and allow everyone to help others do so. Individuals are advised to come with a trusted friend of the same gender to serve as their partner. If anyone is interested in this group, they can email bill.jones@betheluniversity.edu.  

Vespers, a student-led worship service, will meet at 9 p.m. on Wednesdays in the Kelly Auditorium. 

Residential hall Bible studies will also happen at various times throughout the week; students should see their residential assistant or resident director for details. 

For Common Ground, a discipleship group for students with same-sex attraction looking for community and encouragement, students should contact Susan Titus for the time and place. This group is confidential, and interested students must email susan.jessica.titus@gmail.com for details. 

All of the remaining options occur on Wednesdays at 10 a.m. and include Morning Worship in the Kelly Auditorium, Commuter Bible Study in AC 342, Faith & Work in AC 208, Conversations with Coaches in W 101, Community of STEM Majors Opening Scripture (COSMOS) in S 017, the Honors Program Small Group in the BIG Room on the fourth floor of the Academic Center and the Campus Bible Study of the book of Mark in AC 220. 

If you are looking for more detailed information about any of these groups, you can reference the campus email sent out on Sept. 16. 

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