
Swim Team Sets New School Records

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MISHAWAKA– Dur­ing Bethel Uni­ver­si­ty’s spring break from Feb. 27 to March 3, the Bethel Swim and Dive Team com­peted in the NAIA Na­tional Cham­pi­onship. The team fin­ished well, com­ing in ninth out of 27 for the men and tenth out of 28 for the women. The men broke eight school records and earned three All-Amer­i­cans, while the women broke seven school records and earned two in­di­vid­ual All-Amer­i­cans and two team All-Amer­i­cans. One of the high­lights from the meet was the per­for­mance of Nick Bohm, who re­peated as one-me­ter div­ing cham­pion and added a three-me­ter dive win to his ac­com­plish­ments.  

Nick Bohm said, “[The] one-me­ter was fun be­cause I had some­thing to de­fend, it was just ex­cit­ing to be back,” Bohm said. “For three-me­ter, ob­vi­ously it’s just ex­cit­ing to win. I was a lit­tle stressed out about that one, but af­ter­wards and dur­ing, it just felt ex­cit­ing.”  

Coach Deb Thomp­son said every­one on the team has helped to cul­ti­vate and con­tribute to its win­ning cul­ture. 

“We had a great year,” Thomp­son said. “This was our fourth year as a team, and every­thing seemed to come into place. We were in a good spot with the lead­er­ship and cul­ture of the team. It was nice to fi­nally have up­per­class­men and un­der­class­men.  We had 11 Scholar Ath­letes. The wom­en’s team had a GPA of 3.6.” 

Thomp­son was also grate­ful and ex­cited about the team’s per­for­mance at the na­tional meet. 

“The NAIA Na­tion­als was the ic­ing on the cake,” Thomp­son said. “It was fan­tas­tic to have eleven ath­letes com­pet­ing.” 

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