Student Life

Measles Makes Immune System More Vulnerable

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MISHAWKA, IN—Measles, once a rarely encountered viral infection in the United States, is making a comeback.  

Measles is a viral infection which can be immunized against by receiving the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine. However, with the alarming trend of parents choosing not to vaccinate their children or themselves, measles has become a huge problem. 

According to the American Society for Microbiology, 90% of exposed and unvaccinated people will contract the virus and become carriers and more than likely infected to the point of illness. The microbe of the virus is likely to linger in an infected room for two hours. 

The usual dangers of being infected by the measles virus include high fever and severe rash. But measles also causes the immune system to forget what infections it has faced before.   

Measles causes the body to forget how to fight viruses, bacteria and other immune threats. This is very dangerous as the body is forced to relearn how to fight diseases.  

The best way of avoiding this illness is to get vaccinated. According to the CDC, the measles vaccine is 97% effective at preventing contracting the measles virus. This vaccine is safe and effective and can be obtained at a local doctor’s office. 

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