
Remedy Live Returns to Bethel University

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MISHAWAKA- Chapel services are once again in full swing on the Bethel University campus. Bethel often brings in a variety of guest speakers to address the student body during chapel services. On Sept. 9, a Christian Organization called Remedy Live will come to Bethel for a chapel presentation.  

This is not the first time that Remedy Live has come to Bethel University. Last fall they did a presentation relating to mental health issues. According to Bethel’s vice president of student development, Shawn Holtgren, Ph.D., this organization’s goal is to interact with students in a way that supports honest and non-judgmental conversations.  

“They do this in a biblically grounded, pastoral way that is highly interactive” Holtgren said.  

Bethel University’s chapel services often focus on issues that closely affect the lives and struggles of its students. This year Remedy Live will focus on the idea of escapism and the human tendency to find distractions to escape from the hardships of the world.  

“I am excited to see how this topic resonates with our community and helps us live more integrated lives,” Holtgren said. “[I am] praying that the Holy Spirit touches our community through this experience.” 

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