Campus News

Student Council Hosts Upperclassman Formal

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MISHAWAKA- The Upperclassmen Formal took place on Sunday, Nov. 13, from 7-10 p.m. in the Potawatomi Conservatories. Student Council made the decision to move the Upperclassmen Formal to the fall semester due to the higher number of students graduating in December.  

This event gave Bethel’s junior and senior students an opportunity to dress up and dance with their dates and friends. The student council provided popcorn and water for students to snack on while they enjoyed the party. According to Myles Moser, the upperclassmen student council’s president, a total of 198 students attended the formal, which was more than the council expected.  

Moser said that the formal went very well and surpassed the goals the council had set for this event.  

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