Student Life

Bethel Hosts 2nd Annual Wellness Week

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MISHAWAKA- Bethel University hosted its annual Wellness Week during Oct. 17-21. This gave students a chance to renew their minds. Mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health were the focuses of Wellness Week. Many activities and themed chapels/midweek opportunities were offered for students and staff.  

Courtney Chapman, the associate director of student wellness and engagement, oversaw several of the planning aspects for Wellness Week. 

“The focus of the initiative is on offering opportunities to grow in awareness and participate in activities related to whole-person—mental, emotional, physical and spiritual—health.  

Last year was Bethel’s first Wellness Week, and it is a tradition Student Life is excited to continue. 

“Bethel was given a grant to focus on student wellness,” Chapman said, “The ‘BU Be Well Initiative’ began last year as a major part of this.” 

Jess Lyons kicked off the week speaking in Monday chapel about how to renew one’s mind and how the voice of the Good Shepard can help one do so. 

To end the week, professors Robby Prenkert, D.Litt.; Keith Koteskey, D.Min.; and Rachel Miller, Ph.D., spoke about how having a relationship with God can play into renewing one’s mind. 

“It’s always great to hear from Bethel faculty and staff members in our community,” Chapman said.  

The evening activities offered this year included meditation and stretching, splatter paint, a special Vespers, smoothie bowls, games and encouragement. 

Meditation and stretching gave students a chance to de-stress and relax during meditation on Scripture. Splatter paint gave students some time to be creative through art. Vespers and Lectio Divina was led by the Spiritual Life Team and gave students a chance to focus on the spiritual discipline of Lectio Divina. The theme for that evening focused on Psalm 42. Smoothie bowls, games and encouragement allowed students to get a healthy snack and hang out with friends.  

“Community and relationships are big components of community,” Chapman said, “Knowing that you have supportive relationships can be really helpful when we think about mental health.” 

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