Event Schedule

Commuters Got Talent Show Comes to Bethel

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MISHAWAKA- Bethel’s commuters are hosting a Commuters Got Talent Show on Nov. 18 from 5-7 p.m. in the Kelly Auditorium. This is an event for commuters to show off their talents, whether that be singing, a skit, or anything of that sort. The event will be judged by RJ Jennings, associate director of counseling services; Tom Carpenter, associate director for community life; and President Barb Bellefeuille, Ed.D. 

Kadie Martin, one of the commuter assistants, is helping plan the event. 

“It’s a semi-big event just letting commuters do whatever thing they think is cool and fun,” Martin said. “Some can win prizes and just have a good time in general.” 

The first place price is $100 cash, and possibilities for second and third place prizes include extra meal swipes or a gas card. 

“To my knowledge we never had anything like this,” Martin said. “So this is the premiere of it.” 

Everyone is encouraged to attend the event. Also, anyone on campus is allowed to join in the talent show if they have a commuter in their group—signups close on Wednesday, Nov. 16, at noon. 

“We would love for residents to come anyways even if they are not in an act,” Martin said. “It’s really just a great event, I think, to foster community within commuters and have residents join in on our fun.” 

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