Event Schedule

International Student Fellowship Hosts Campus Event

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MISHAWAKA — On Sunday, Nov. 6, the International Student Fellowship [ISF] hosted an all-campus international student event. This event focused on introducing people to different cultures. The event featured 10 different activities throughout campus, with each activity featuring something from a different culture. 

According to Sue Matteson, director of international student services, ISF hosts one event for international students every month, and one event for the whole campus each semester.  

“We hope to host a new event in the spring, which will be a food tasting kind of event,” Matteson said. 

For the monthly events, Matteson said ISF tries to offer varied opportunities for international students to connect with each other. 

“Game nights, Brazilian dinners, thanksgiving and Christmas parties, Easter egg hunts, we have video game nights, and another thing we do is make cookies,” Matteson said. “These are the kinds of things that we do for international students.’’ 

Matteson said there are about one-hundred-and-forty-two international students at Bethel from around fifty different countries. 

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