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CAS Offers ADHD Support Group

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MISHAWAKA--Do you have ADHD, think you have ADHD or have a loved one or friend who does? The Center for Academic Success (CAS) is starting up its ADHD support group once again on Monday, Jan. 23, at 3 p.m. in AC 221. This group will meet every Monday from 3-4 p.m. to talk about topics relating to ADHD.  

In the past, this group has had up to 10 people in attendance weekly. CAS is hoping that by holding the sessions later in the afternoon, this will help create opportunities for more people to come. If you don’t have an ADHD diagnosis, don’t worry, you can still come! Some topics covered last year during sessions included forgetfulness, test-taking strategies, being in a relationship with someone who has ADHD and much more. CAS hopes to give students practical tips, ideas and suggestions of apps to download to help achieve better success in their academic careers. According to Rachel Kennedy, director of CAS, the group helps to take away isolationism students may feel due to ADHD or ADHD behaviors.  

This group is open to all students, and you can come and go without committing to coming every week. If this group may be something that you have interest in and would like more information, contact

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